Committees are fundamental to HLA’s successful relationship building with one another and our community. Read further to learn about each committee’s focus, and how you can join today!

  • Finance and Fundraising Committee

    This committee shall review the annual budget for HLA's activities; coordinate all financial planning with the Treasurer; and plan and execute any fundraising activities of the HLA.

  • Issues Committee.

    This committee shall be responsible for drafting and promoting the position(s) of HLA with regard to current events, trends or matters of interest to the membership of HLA or the legal and general community.

  • Legal Education Committee

    This committee shall organize and implement quality continuing legal education courses and seminars on topics that are relevant and significant to the members of the HLA and reflective of important national developments.

  • Membership Committee

    This committee shall be responsible for recruitment of members of the HLA through its coordination of the distribution of the membership applications, the Fall and Spring Mixers, or any other event the Board may designate as a “recruitment activity” for the HLA.

  • Community Affairs Committee

    This committee shall serve as HLA's liaison to community based organizations and groups and other bar associations; shall coordinate and foster the development of the pro-bono efforts of the HLA; coordinate programs that benefit the community at large; and undertake any other activities as may be necessary to further the objectives of this Committee.

  • Elections Committee

    This committee shall oversee and supervise procedures for the election of officers and members-at-large at the Annual Meeting; accept nominations and recommend to the Board candidates for direction positions to the Houston Lawyers Foundation board of directors; and enact such policies and procedures as are necessary to effectuate its business.

  • Compliance and Regulation Committee

    This Committee shall be responsible for monitoring HLA’s status as a corporation with the State of Texas as well as its 501c(3) status at the federal level. Further, the committee is responsible for staying abreast of the rules, regulations, and law relating to corporate and 501c(3) status at the state and federal level; compiling all information and documents necessary to maintain HLA’s corporate status; maintaining HLA’s corporate and 501c(3) status; reporting to the board about HLA’s corporate status; selecting a tax/cpa consultant and/or advisor.

  • Judicial Oversight and Selection Committee

    This committee shall be responsible for monitoring the Houston Judiciary on a regular and systematic basis on behalf of the HLA and undertaking activities as may be necessary to further the objectives of this Committee. Additionally, during any and all judicial election(s), the committee shall interview judicial candidates and make recommendations to the Members for endorsements. No candidate shall receive the endorsement of the HLA unless there has been an opportunity to conduct an investigation and submit a report to the President and the members of the Board.

  • Scholarship and Awards Committee

    This Committee shall coordinate and recommend for approval by the Board of HLA the recipient(s) of the student scholarships and annual awards, which are to be funded by the Houston Lawyers Foundation; organize and recommend additional scholarships and/or grants as may be administered by the HLA. Recommendations for scholarships and awards shall be presented to the board no later than the last Board meeting preceding the Annual Meeting. The President and/or the Board may also honor other distinguished persons by presenting certificates, plaques, or other appropriate symbols.